last night i was talking with a friend (which i gotta do a post on her wedding!) and she was asking if we should organize a "clothes swap" - explaining how she has more clothes then she can ever wear in a lifetime - which brought me back to my post about my closets aka Disasterville - she was calling out for a zen master to help, all the while browsing through Anthropologie on-line adding things to her cart - it was a hysterical and ironic conversation - so well - it brings me to this quote:

" for whatever
like a you or a me
its always ourselves we find
in the sea "
how we sometimes fill our lives with "things" instead of fulfilling our souls - i'm not saying one bit that she's not fulfilled nor i am lacking something in some way - but i'm not denying it either - b/c don't we all sometimes get caught up in a moment - then later on look back and say "ekk what was i thinking?!" - well i will raise my hand proudly and say "I DO!"
Weekend Plans:
my beloved weekend is almost here - *yayyy* - you know Sunday i'll be @ some sports bar rooting on my NY Giants blue moon's in hand *holla* - and tomorrow the world is at my fingertips! - i may be here or there or everywhere - it'll be good and fun no matter what! - reason why? - b/c i said so! :o)
Happy Weekend Butterflies!!! - Plans???
Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend! I have a wedding tomorrow. *fun!*
Love the quote and i gotta say that i occasionally get carried way with the shopping, but what's a girl to do...?:-). Happy weekend! XX
ReplyDeleteThere are somethings in my closet that I never wear but can't seem to get rid of...then there are some things that I should or have gotten rid of bc I looked at them and have gone "UH Wft?!?"
I think the idea of hosting a swap with friends is great. One of my friends wants to do this and was asking me about the swap I attended in Boston. What a great way to recycle items you no longer want and get some new pieces to round out the wardrobe right? have a great weekend!!!
I strive to not be materialistic or want so many meaningless's a constant battle :-) I'm guilty of buying shoes that are cute, but not practical for me to own and I never wear them. It makes me feel guilty and wasteful. My sisters and I swap clothes and whatever none of us wants goes to charity. I'd like to start upcycling my clothes though, refashioning them into stuff I would wear.
ReplyDeleteI have way too much clothes but I can't part with any of them. I could easily fill another closet. Comfortably.
ReplyDeleteI really like this post. I often find that there is such a balance in appreciating the creativity and beauty that is in product, but yet not being completely dependent on them. What we need vs. what we want are two very different truths and I try very hard to keep that in check. Above all, I love the treasures of life and the beautiful people that I share any moment with :)
ReplyDeleteNow I admit, I do a have few stores to hit and "appreciate" on my list today!! At least it's for gifts to give away :) Lot's of bday's this month!!
You know I LUUUUUUURVE this quote!
ReplyDeleteFilling our soul is Much More Gratifying! IT STAYS WITH US! The "things" fade and Get old, outta style, ya know! Ya cant take em with ya, The Soulfull moments we can tuck away in our heart and memories!
AGAIN, another AMAZING POST by the Queen Butterfly! Flapping her pretty wings, lifting spirits and ALWAYS makin me laugh!
THAT is what lifes about!!!
ON THAT NOTE (LOL) Check out the GIVEAWAY on my BLOG, and ADD more STUFF to your life! (im truly LAUGHING OUT LOUD!) This goes SOOOOOOOO against what I just said above...WHATEVS...HEY, its a FREE sumin sumin at :
Great post Erika!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a fabulous weekend!
Such a great painting and a great message.
ReplyDeleteYou can have everything in the world but if you don't have love & friends & family it means nothing. Great quote! Enjoy the Giants!! =)
ReplyDeleteLove that quote. Me and material positions. I've learned as I've gotten older it's not that important.
ReplyDeleteooh I totally hear ya.. I just donated a bunch of stuff to charity because seriously my house was full of useless junk. Useless for me but useful for someone else so I got to work! now i am beginning to work on my closet. I hope i finish soon so i can post some images :) xoxox happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI recently became a Christian and it has helped put material things into perspective.
ReplyDeleteI have two and half rules when it comes to shopping.
ReplyDelete1. I have to need it. Meaning it's replacing something that's worn out or broken
2. I have to love it!
2.5 If I love it and buy it I have to donate something else that I don't love but still own.
For me it's an environmental thing. You can only own so much stuff. And if you have things you don't LOVE then give them away to someone else who can use them.
I'm having a small birthday party this weekend to celebrate my 45th B-Day!
Thank you for your comments on my blog and have a WONDERFUL weekend!
I'm gradually becoming less and less rooted in the material world. I recognise that the important things in life are experiences, knowledge and, most of all, love. I'm now trying to live holding those values.
ReplyDeleteKate x
I am on wallet restriction for this very reason Ms. Erika!! Awesome post and so timely!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend and I'll be listening for your cheering on Sunday...all the way on the west coast. hehe
I think that quote must ring true a little bit for everyone. i hope to achieve a healthy balance :)
ReplyDeleteTomorrow we will be adding more pumpkins to our home and make some pumpkin spice cookies....Also, a picnic at the park, since apparently we are still in 90degree weather. Have a fabulous weekend! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you -- sometimes, it's important to take a step back and look around -- that's what I do from time to time.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a fabulous weekend -- your plans sound fun :)
Fabulous quote. I'm on lockdown myself. I'm trying to make use of what I have and not try to accumulate anything else :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend, honey. Sounds like fun! xoxo
Materialsim won´t make you happy, I think the most of us are aware of that but we still want to have a lot of stuff:). Crazy!
ReplyDeleteOh yes it does! I love my material stuff, but try hard to appreciate all that life has given me! XX!
ReplyDeleteI so commend you if you can agree to a clothing swap... While I dont wear a lot of my stuff, I'm very particular about the way it is cleaned, hung, folded, etc! I don't think I could do it!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of materials, this year has certainly been a year of learning to live with less, and it has been a wonderful lesson on the true necessities of life.
The quote, I love... always have! When we lived in Orlando we would travel south to the ocean almost every week... so to me this poem has a literal meaning - it was a place to regroup and find myself again before the start of yet another hectic week!
I like all my possessions and I feel completely fullfilled. haha. I do believe in finding time, quality time with the ones we love. My possessions are just bonus.
ReplyDeleteVery good quote! And very good thoughts here! I think sometimes we try to find fulfillment in things, when we should be finding fulfillment in things that really matter!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely! Often when I'm bored, I will go shopping. It's hard because I find myself with so many things that I just get rid of. I'm not soulless, but I bet I could spend more of my time doing other things that won't be a pain at the end of the day!!!
ReplyDeleteI feel that sometimes our material possessions can possess us if we let them. Ive given up a lot of my material possessions but Ive also gained something new in return. Myself.